Thursday, October 3, 2019

What will be the development of technology?

Believing that optimism is the key to transforming the technology into society, it gives him more importance than before.

All of this has come to our attention from the Internet and the smartest smartphones we use today.
In the future, technological wonders will surely overwhelm us. But what will happen to this great human beings?

Since 1968, there has been a debate on technological development. Talking about that at that time, human beings will talk about telephone calls that are coming soon, even if they can carry them anywhere, and they can talk to you from anywhere, talk about phones, and fly cars, fast trains, and two hundred-story houses, as well as many future things to come. Foretold. But at the same time, the prophecy would have been very doubtful, and people would not believe it. But all of this has come true, and technological wonders have never been imagined.

People are still imagining and predicting the future of technological advancement. But they are full of beliefs about their dreams. Mobile phones and smart devices have started to update around the world since 2011, and around 90 percent of human beings now use smartphones and devices.

In the last two years, intense global consumption of Internet is growing rapidly. This is what influences Internet access through smart devices.

The simplification of human consumption is a result of a group of people's intellectual potential. It may be a detrimental effect on consumers of ready-made products, says US sociologist Harvey Sachs.
It is undoubtedly true that there is no real relationship between people as technology progresses. Mindfulness of spending excessive spending is a way of eliminating people from the environment. In addition, people have gained tremendous information, which in turn has some negative consequences.
Progress is likely to have a lasting outcome for humanity, with the world's long, lasting maturity, which is an infinite, enduring resource. People do not even want to see each other in real life, to do something in their own labor, and to move to the independence of the Internet.

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